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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Snow Flakes Are So Quiet

Gentle white flakes float
Around the barking dog sound
Gathering numbers.

Basset in the snow--
Patchwork of brown, black and white
Howling at the sky.

Dog has stopped barking;
Snow flakes are so quiet
Train whistle is heard.

The former flowers,
Now brown, shriveled, capped with white--
Little old ladies.

Rumbling in the sky:
Unseen plane flies high above;
Still flakes float softly.

Falling flakes are thick
Yet they do not plummet down,
But descend swiftly.

The two old stump friends
Bit off more than they could chew;
Tolerate the snow.

Gnarled uprooted tree roots
Reach out, grasping at the snow
Which lights upon them.

In the tall tree's crotch,
Young pine tree grows from the snow;
Must be adopted.

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