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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Twisted Phantoms of the Trees

Shadows in the snow,
Twisted phantoms of the trees
Stretch out flat and dark.

Below the sharp shadows
The dark stream is almost still;
A blackened mirror.

Tucked in the snow bank

Small patches of darkness
Form alternate world.

In the darkened woods
Sunlight pools mock the shadows;
(Or vice versa).

Two sentry shadows
Guard the snowbanks, soldier-straight;
Orders from the sun.

Leaf stuck in snow bank;
Old nest stuck in the brambles.
Both are history.

Shadows of the fir;
Softer than their source needles
Stretch upon the snow.

Red against green;
Trees complement each other.
Seasonal colors.

In their own bare spot
Old brown mushrooms still hold court;
A wise choice of space.

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