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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sharp, Brigfht Shadows Sculpt the Snow

Sunshine blares on snow,
Trumpets shadows to the barn.
The cow stays inside.

Snow bank reaches high,
Touching forsythia's base.
Yellow flowers sleep.

The stream is covered
In snow and sculptured shadows.
Further down it flows.

White reaches higher--
Soon "For Rent" sign will be gone.
Snow will be tenant.

Bobbing in the snow
Wild turkeys search for food
And climb the mountain.

Forest is mottled--
Sharp, bright shadows sculpt the snow.
The air is frozen.

Footprints in the snow
Fade as they enter the woods.
Animal and human.

Tracks hop to a tree;
They stop and go no further.
A squirrel or a ghost.

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