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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Soft misty morning;
Sun plays tag with the gray clouds;
Two doves sit on wire.

The stream is hidden
Under a billow of green;
Its trickle is faint.

A hive of mushrooms--
Community of fungi
Take over the tree.

New spray of flowers;
A woman walking her two dogs;
Just Yerry Hill Road.

The bend turns again;
Just around it, mystery
Always unfolding.

The plants are holey

Nibbled with a million bites--
Unseen gluttony.

Orange and yellow--
Jewel weed next to goldenrod:
A fashion statement.

Monarch butterfly
Floats past the old milkweed pods.
It doesn't stop for me.

Dainty little turd
Sits primly by the roadside
Waiting for a foot.

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