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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ravens in the field;
Each alone hopping about.
Dark congregation.

Two dog tails wagging,
Jumping behind the fence slots;
They never get tired.

Sunlight on the bush
Illuminates the bare buds.
Forsythia waits.

Snow covered ice patch
Surrounds the slender tree trunk;
Tree will last longer.

Fir trees are lit up;
Dead leaves and moss are glowing.
A winter light show.

Old washing machine
Still waits in the empty field,
Now joined by beer can.

An empty wasp nest
Hangs from the abandoned house;
Two deserted shells.

White dog in window
Jumps up and down toy in mouth;
He wants me to play.

The field's asleep now;
Spring green has lost to dead brown;
Three crows hop along.

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