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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bright sun and crisp breeze;
Orange ribbon blows gently.
Where is the winter?

A swirling ice patch
Glistens in the bright sunlight.
The sky is clear blue.

Dead log on the ground;
Dead vines are wrapped around it.
Who is fooling whom?

The woods seem so still;
Bare branches, dead leaves don't move.
Unseen lone goose honks.

Another season:
Christmas bells on the mailbox.
They're a bit fainter.

Barking dog bounds down
A mass of gleeful whining;
Wriggles and runs off.

Black stripes on the road:
The sun blasts the bare tree trunks
And casts down shadows.

Squashed fur on the road--
Tiny mousy legs stick out.
Life is to the swift.

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