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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Nowhere to be Found

Gray skies are snow filled;
Yellow leaves are still on trees;
Bird feeder's leaning.

There is no sunshine;
Still, there is softness in my heart--
I am home again!

The last yellow leaves
Cling desperately to the tree--
They just won't let go.

Collette watches me
As she stares from her barn door,
Silently chewing.

Ice on roadside pond
Glistening gray under the sky--
Winter is now here.

The bough is bare now;
Under it the stream rushes
Swiftly and still loud.

Unfrozen water
Kept liquid by its motion--
Surface rippling.

The sign is crumpled;
Still the cat peers out blankly;
Nowhere to be found.

Black dots in the sky
Leaves press against the greyness;
They have lost their green.

Floating on water
Dead leaves maintain their greenness--
Illusion of life.

The naked trees stand,
Stark silhouettes of winter
Yet to arrive here.

Still they're hanging
Delicate seed puffs waiting
For a puff of wind.

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