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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Two Gentle Beings

 Beast in its corral
Waits patiently in the shade;
Its time will come soon.

It's threatening rain;
It's also threatening sun.
(Which way the wind blows.)

Mop lies on railing;
Doesn't look too comfortable;
(But I'm projecting.)

Chicory and stump
Seem to be joined in shadows;
Very strange marriage.

Chicory shadows
Lie motionless on the road.
They've no place to go.

Mailbox is threatened;
Soon leaves will overtake it.
Then--everything green.

Forest is dark green;
Birds are chirping deep within;
Leaves glow in the sun.

Two gentle beings
Regard me regard them.
(There is much regard).

In the wild again,
St. Francis in the grass
Surrounded by green.

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