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Monday, April 02, 2018

(What is Her Sorrow?)

Walk of March 31,2018

Bright rays of sunshine
Blaring into my kitchen
Announce Spring morning.

Fir trees and shadows
Are waving to each other
This brilliant morning.

Framed in the barn door:
Olivia and Collette
In front and in back.

With his plumed head fluffed
Rooster struts behind the fence,
While pullet runs free.

Mourning dove softly
Cooing far in the distance;
(What is her sorrow?)

Man leaning over?
Or shadows of a boulder?
Instant mystery!

Tiny new sapling
Pops up to face the Spring sun.
Next winter? Who knows?

Bathed in sun and talk
Two friends stroll down the mountain
Absorbed in themselves.

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