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Saturday, February 04, 2017

The Past is Present

From Walks of January 30, February 1 and February 3, 2017

January 30, 2017

 Stark bushes are still;
Not a breeze moves their branches;
Few shadows on snow.

Pale sunlight shining;
Barely casts any shadows;
The road is quiet.

Glistening on snow--
Water to snow, then to ice:
The winter cycle.

Against the old barn
Standing pale and immobile--
Statue or alive?

Playing with water,
Sunlight rolls on the rushing stream
Casting bright sparkles.

Trampoline, deck chairs,
And the absence of humans--
Snow capped winter scene.

On Yerry Hill's peak
From a thousand miles away:
Call from New Orleans.

Sun through the dead leaf
Illuminates its orange:
Flash resurrection!

February 1, 2017

World is white outside;
A layer of snow covers
All that is beneath.

A strange thing goes past
Covered with white and with wheels:
A rushing auto.

Wooden owl's white;
He patiently holds his place
In all four seasons.

Still the dead brown leaf
Propped up within the branches;
(Waiting for rebirth?)

A clod of wet snow
Falls upon my eye glasses;
Then the lens falls off.

Still the brown survives;
Around it green evergreens.
It just won't let go.

Shadows on the snow,
Fickle as the sun itself,
Pass in a heart beat.

Bright sun, frigid cold;
Shadows lie still on the snow.
Nothing is moving.

White car rushes past
Leaving the whiteness of snow 
In the field beyond.

Smell of the cow barn
Takes the bite out of the cold;
A cozy cow home.

A thin layer of gray

Covers the bucolic pond--

Victory of ice!

Tall trees see themselves
In the ripples of the stream--
Rushing as always.

Stream bed has vanished;
Only the log bridge remains
To mark its demise.

Urging me forward
These arrows at the hill top
Stand in their motion.

Footprints in the snow--
Archaeological find--
The past is present.

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