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Monday, August 31, 2015

Blue Coronation

Haiku from August 30 and 31, 2015
Spider web ocean
Sails across kitchen window
From gray shore to shore.

The sun is hidden
Beyond a pale of gray clouds.
All seems so quiet.

Olivia bliss
As she sniffs Collette's behind--
Such bovine pleasure!

The hollyhock climbs
To crest the old wooden fence--
Blue coronation!


It's hiding the fence;
Soon it will all disappear--
Grass victorious!

 An ocean of green
Shines at the whim of the sun,
Blinking its bright eye.

Red, yellow and brown,
Lying in its own shadows:
A rotting apple.

The sky turns to gray;
A hush comes over the road.
The woods are praying. 

August 31, 2015

Flick of a cow's tail;
Distant twitch of a green leaf--
Yerry Hill morning.

 On my front porch
Large plant reaches for the sky;
(It is almost there.)

Dandelion grows
All alone on my front lawn.
(He's missed his season).

 All the clucking hens
Dash away as I approach.
The rooster is last.

Munched on mushroom;
Was it Alice took the bite?
Or the white rabbit?

Trapped by the spider,
Two leaves hang suspended.
You take what you get.

So pretty purple;
So protected by sharp thorns.
Look! But do not touch!

In the lazy heat
Two crows carry on a chat.
They seem so listless.


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