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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pebbles in a Can

Pebbles in a can:
Woodpecker rattles at dawn.
The day has begun.


 The clouds get lower;
Grass keeps on getting higher--
Natural see-saw.


 Last walk before camp.
Well, at least it's not raining;
Goats are so quiet.

 Small lakes by the road;
Mini ponds in a front lawn;
Rivers in the woods.


 Dim dark and green woods;
Not a drop of sun comes through;
The clouds are waiting.

 A fallen number
Lies at the base of the tree.
(It's really not up).


 In the dim greyness
Thick performed flower odor
Rides on the bird chirps.


 A soft billowing breeze
Rustles through the thick green leaves
Shivering my hair.

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