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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Wind's Hollow Whisper


Below freezing now;
The grass is covered with frost;
The sky is snowfull.


Sun lights up the trees;
Even the frost seems warmer;
(It's just illusion).

Olivia and Alfred
Chow down in the open barn.
It's bovine breakfast. 


A stiff frigid breeze
Whips around trees and bushes.
Hens peck at the snow.

Below the blue sky
Mirrored stream flows gently;
Ice is in the air.

Men smoke cigarettes,
Their breath and smoke combine.
We chat just briefly.

Above "Posted" sign
Rambling spider limbs reach over--
Trespassers Beware!


Wind's hollow whisper
Billows softly in the woods
Reaching crescendo.


Old gray Mercedes
Parked under bare brambles
Has seen better days.

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