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Saturday, December 03, 2011

He's King of This Air

Old tree in my yard
Stretches out is bared gnarled limbs
Enjoying the sun.

Why does the house hum,
Urging me to go and sleep?
Lazy Saturday.

Forsythia blooms
Burst into vibrant yellow
Amid the dead husks.

Rooster crows and crows
Shouting at the bright new sun;
Billy goat says "hi."

One glowing green leaf
Framed in the tangled bare bush
Inherits the sun.

Towering evergreens
Ensure that the woods stay dark;
Sun does not give up.

On the return walk
Bright sunshine enveloped me.
It's a different trip.

Sitting on a wire
Resting hawk pays me no mind.
He's king of this air.

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