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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In A Misty Field

It's ready to rain;
Transformer hums on pole;
Birds flutter about.

A child was here once,
Left some rainbows on the road
Amidst the dead leaves.

Breeze blows up the road;

Sky's darker by the minute.
Just bugs are busy.

Stream is motionless;
Leaves are not trembling;
Still there is a breeze.

Every time I stop,
Clouds of bugs crowd around me.
Just what do they want?

Flat stone in the woods,
Covered by leaf, moss blanket
Soon will be concealed.

Cars rush in the gloom;
Race swiftly before the rain
Which hangs in the sky.

A crushed sumac cone
Lies flattened on the ground,
Spreading its dry seeds.

Large green mullein plant
Still opens its soft wide arms.
One leaf is eaten.

In a misty field
Kids stand like wondrous statues
Silent from afar.

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