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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kiss of the Morning

A light rippling breeze
Caresses my nose and lips--
Kiss of the morning.

Shining in the sun
A single yellow flower
Billowing brightness.

Basking in the shade,
Deep blue flowers assemble

Absorbing the dark.

Is it magic moss
Or the light play of shadows
On enchanted lawn?

They are all over
These shadows that paint the road;

Servants of the sun.

Below large green pine
Small brown seedling stands dying,
Much too close to home.

Mysterious pond
Dark, deep, filled with reflections,
Two feet off the road.

Woodpecker drills hard
His pointed beak hammers loud.
Does he wear ear plugs?

On a collision course
Butterfly heads straight towards me,
Swerves and flutters by.

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