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Monday, November 19, 2007

Snow is in the air;
Leaden sky heavy and gray;
Men loudly move wood.

Party was in June;
It's the end of November.
The balloons don't know.

Twisted branches rule;
There are no leaves to hide them.
A squirrel leaps freely.

On the dead tree's base
Fern leaves sprout and moss covers:
Fall resurrection.

Tree monster's caught prey
Nestled in its wooden jaws--
Too hard to gobble.

Pine grows from tree stump
As green as the stump is brown--
Color alchemy.

Sumac skeletons
Hang starkly against the sky
Their sour fruit gone.

Drowning in the leaves
Dark beer bottle is covered
By soft waves of brown.

1 comment:

juhi bendahan said...

Hi Sarv,

so much enjoying my virtual visits to Yerry Hill and reading your Haiku.

Books have become my dearest friends and now enjoying blogging.

thank you