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Monday, May 19, 2014

Sun Slides Through the Air


Wind doesn't come, but
That it shakes forsythia
To litter the ground.

Sun slides through the air
Painting their leaves with new light;
And then it slides back.

Last forsythia
Hangs forlornly on the bush
 Waiting for the breeze.

It is a dog's life:
Interrupted in her nap
She still wags her tail.

Clouds cover my thoughts;
And continue to stay there
When the sun returns.

Popping in the woods--
Explosions of the gun club
Renting the still air.

Green umbrella leaves
Float beneath a sunshine sea
Pulling down the light.

Footprints in the dirt
Keep me company en route--
Always pose questions.

As the sun goes down
It turns the field into gold
Promising return.

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