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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

One by One They Fly

This sweet smelling day,
Filled with lilacs and shadows
And fickle sunshine.


 It's the end of May;
Breeze is whispering "summer"
Winter can't be found.

Is it a new dance?
The girls shake their arms and hands,
Brushing away gnats.


 Muted woodpecker
Tentatively pecks on tree.
(Must be a beginner.)

One by one they fly:
Seeds in the dandelions;
Soon they'll all be gone.


 Two friends on the road,
One two legged, one four
Stop to say hello.


A gentle flopping,
Leaves and a branch fall to the road
With a soft whooshing.


 As summer draws near
Haiku becomes more difficult--
Many distractions.


 Indiana's teeth
Were three more, two days ago--
Absence is presence.


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