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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Or Savor the Breeze?


Do the lilacs sway
Because they worship the sun
Or savor the breeze?

Again the green leaves
Have captured the Spring sunshine
And held it glowing.


Even aching joints
Cannot begin to complain
On this sacred day.


Olivia says,
"Did you hear what they're saying?"
Alfred: "Moos to me." 

Drifting through the trees
Single cloud floats in the sky
Merging with blossoms.

 The song of the stream
Never the same melody--
Always a chorus.

Shadows play softly
On the "Children at Play" sign--
Play within the play.

The old telephone book
Wedged forever in the tree
Now shows its own grain.

Now, at the day's end
The earth takes a silent breath;
Sheep stand in the field.


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