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Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Under the Shadows and Leaves


Evergreens look blue--
Just a trick of the sunshine.
Now they're everblues.

I mop the white floor
And now it is white again--
An instant of pride.


Brown leaf on green lawn;
Warm cow shit smell from the barn.
All's well on the road.


 Long and yawning yowl
Mixes with the rooster's crows:
Mabel and her friends.

Where is the tree stump?
Under the shadows and leaves,
Rotting in darkness.


Hat has switched places;
Now it's hanging from a tree.
(It still lacks a head).


Delicately caged,
Weeds, filling the guarded space
Are on proud display.

On his long journey
Caterpillar crosses road
(Complete with white spots.)

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