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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Grabbing the Moon


They're rushing on past:
Cars that are going some place;
Always some place else.

Light falls on the floor,
Splashing without a sound,
Filling up the room.

Rhododendron dew
Drops lightly on the wide leaves--
Early morning drink.

Chatter on the lawn:
Kids with kids, grownups- grownups;
Home school will start soon.

A bird keeps chirping;
Is she lonely or happy?
(Does she even know?)

Stretching its bare limbs,
Leafless tree clutches the sky,
Grabbing the moon.

Floating high above,
The hawk circles in the sky--
Distant dark shadow.

A murder of crows
Sound conspiratorial
Or just ridiculous.

Is there a prize here,
A Guiness book world record
To be the last leaf?

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