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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Knuckles in the Ground

 Rain is in the air
But no water's coming down--
It's just hanging there.

Bird feeder jump rope
Hangs loosely for birds to come.
They don't want to play.

Olivia stands
Watching College as she eats.
(What is she thinking?)

Rooster is laughing;
Maybe he just has a cold;
Hens are all silent.

Knuckles in the ground:
Old tree grabs its piece of earth;
Holds on for dear life.

Mist on the mountain;
Brown forest is dim and deep.
It's a soft morning.

Layers of the sea
Jut out in these ancient rocks,
Rolling down the hill.

Crumbling stone wall
Wends its way down the mountain,
Crashing on some rocks.

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