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Monday, March 06, 2017

Liquid Whispers From Below

Outside branch trembles;
On porch, wind chime clapper sways. 
Frozen world's alive!

Bright sun and beige wood;
(The moss on the lawn is green). 
In the house--silence.

Collette and some friends
Engage in conversation.
(Collette holds her peace).

No cloud in the sky;
It's blue in all directions--
Background for the trees.

Sun drenched stream burbles
Liquid whispers from below:
"Keep moving forward."

A cold icy wind
Blowing briskly up the road
Slaps me in my face.

Hole filled tree stump stands
Feasted on by woodpeckers;
Now, more holes than tree.

Shards of blue gray ice
Immobile and unchanging
Mark the roadside stream.

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