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Saturday, December 10, 2016

With Far Away Swish

From walk of Thursday, December 8,2016

It's bright and dim outside;
Melting ice drips on the porch;
Bird feeder is bare.

With far away swish--
Two cars passing each other;
Then they disappear.

Collette takes her time;
She turns to give me a look,
Then goes back to eat.

They've been here since Spring--
These three stout wooden lawn chairs
Now covered with snow.

My nosy neighbor
Complains about my garbage.
I blow up at her.

Bowing to the stream
Wood fence bends far as it can.
(To see reflection?)

Outside shadowed house
Wood chimes tinkle in the breeze
With metallic tones.

Tiny road side pond
No longer filled with water
Now holds soggy dead leaves.

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