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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Fleeing Paradise

Sitting in the chair,
I feel so comfortable.
Why can't I just sleep?

There will be magic--
On the road, in the bushes,
There's always magic.

Three swings and three chairs:
Three dimensionality;
A sunny morning.

Slow late November,
Feeling like Indian summer;
Suspiciously warm.

Out of the shadows
And into the bright sunlight
She walks joyously.

Silhouetted high
Gentle insistent tapping--
Woodpecker hunting.

Dashing squirrel on road
Barely missed by speeding car,
Lives another day.

This sweet sunny day
Cars come ripping down the road
Fleeing paradise.

Perched on a tree top
Crow calls out to near and far:
"Know that I am here!"

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