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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

In a Verdant Key


New bloom in window;
Sweet smell of lilacs mixes
With roasting coffee.

Cluster flies cluster
In their suicide mission
On kitchen window.

Flat against window
Snowy white and unmoving:
Daytime evening moth.

Unwieldy pampas
Flowing in all directions
Create wilderness.

Mysterious slab
Propped on its edge in the light--
A blank sun dial.

Deaf cat on the lawn
Only turns its head towards me
When I walk past it.

Green on green on green
Forest sings its springing song
In a verdant key.

On the old mail box
Flowers have entwined themselves--
White softness on steel.

Bears have been busy
Overturned trash cans attest
To midnight pleasure.

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