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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Good Thing it Was Cut

This is the tree stump--
Base of a forty foot tree.
Good thing it was cut.

Sun falling on snow;
Water dripping from the eaves;
White blasts in the woods.

Icicles dripping;
Persistent drops of water;
A white winter day.

Susan drags the hay;
(Little house but no prairie). 
The goats are waiting.

Tracks on my front porch--
Not a squirrel or a large bird;
What the hell was it?

The snow frosted stream
Flows as loudly as ever
Through the whitened woods.

Soft white dunes appear
Where yesterday were brown leaves.;
Tomorrow? Who knows?

Shadows in the woods
Fall sharply on the white snow--
Cold winter contrast.

Hardy milkweed husk
Still standing through the snow fall
Without any seeds.

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