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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Reckless Abandon

Waving through the trees
Olivia's tail swats flies.
What is she thinking?


The clouds are dancing
In front of the persistent sun--
Now gray! Now yellow!

Daisies on my lawn;
Chipmunks eating on my porch;
Where do I fit in?


 Chipmunk in birdhouse
Might think he's growing feathers
But he still can't fly.

Gray clouds threaten rain;
It's darker by the minute;
New birds on the porch.


 Against the gray mist
Lone bird sits on the high wire--
Black dot in the sky.

Carpet of flowers
Strewn on the road by the tree--
Reckless abandon.

Rhododendrons bloom
No more blossoms but water--
Ephemeral drops.

The old dry stream bed
Is now running with water;
Has forgot its thirst.

Sliding down the hill
Smarter than those who threw it:
Discarded slot fence.

They're three months early,
These plump September popper s,
In middle of June.

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