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Sunday, May 10, 2015

We Both Share the Tune

These are from several walks between April 29 and May 9, 2015.  Being somewhat anal, I find it to be quite courageous to publish several days of haiku instead of just one. Breaking tradition and all that.

It's late in the day;
Now, the morning is over...
A sunny Spring day.



Ugly fucking squirrel
Destroyed my thermometer--
I will destroy it!!


This idyllic barn
With a new inhabitant:
Ghost in his new home.

Poking through driveway--
Persistent heads of sunshine:
New dandelions

Winter is over;
The road sign is now erect:
Pulled up by the sun.

Errant piece of dust
Floated onto my finger;
Then lifted away.


Today, the sunshine
Softens the songs of the trees
And makes them whispers.


A lone bee buzzes
Filling the air with humming.
We both share the tune.

What is as rare as
Bright sunny day in May?
(Another bright day.) 

Pressing ever up
Tiny plane slices the sky
Leaving two pieces.

Mosaic shadows
Fall upon the passive road--
Artist and palette.

White lilacs push through
Forsythia's yellow haze--
Battle of colors.

These woods were white once;
But only in memory.
Soft breeze shakes the leaves.

Walkers on the road
Stopping for a photograph.
Boy says, "wait for me!"

A friend stops to talk;
We chat and then he drives away.
(My heart is lighter.)

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