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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Winter Offensive

 Flash of pink and blue;
Muted shouts outside window;
School kids play next door.


 Large snow flakes drift down,
Casually making their way
To join their fellows.

 Birds in the bushes
Flit swiftly from branch to branch--
Get food and keep warm.



 Squirrel digs in the snow,
Looks weird but find what he wants;
And then scurries off.

 As the snow flakes fall
Ice pushes across the stream--
Winter offensive.


Where is the stream bed?
Deep below the sun flecked snow;
Waiting for the Spring.


They swerve gracefully--
Distinct and parallel lines:
Tire tracks in the snow.



The snow flakes have stopped;
Sky is no longer engorged
With punctuation.


The dragon ice child
Leans over the thin branches
With a frosty eye.

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