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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pecking in the Rain

September 13, 2014
Dark and cold morning;
The windows need to be shut;
Need to wear a coat.
 The sun has vanished
To a place beyond the clouds--
A bright place of warmth.

Chickens on my lawn
Don't know about barriers;
Pecking in the rain.

September 14, 2014

They are back again:
Chickens pecking on my lawn;
Feathered poltergeists.

Is the light changing?
Does the sun follow seasons?
Crows call---leaves still glow.

Shadow near the road;
Not spray of leaves or tree limbs,
Just camera and me.

Dark and mirrored stream
Flows soundlessly from below
Through the silent woods.

Empty swing is gone;
New family has older kids;
Just the frame remains.

Dark dappled driveway
Leads up mysteriously
Through light and shadows.

Dim sparkling shimmer
From base of the dead tree trunk:
Web has caught the rain.

Bushes glisten
In the light of last night's rain--
Nature's chronicle.

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