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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Strange Shapes This Morning

Just animal tracks
Break the vast surface of white   
On my snowy lawn.


 Air purifier
Is the only thing breathing
In this silent house.

Are they buds or husks
These strange silhouetted shapes?
Dead or yet to be?

What weird beast is that
Standing frozen by the road?
Strange shapes this morning.

Faintly a bird chirps
Solo but not so distant;
A cold companions.

Where the old fence lies
Sensual layer of white
Covers it 'til Spring.

Delicate shadows
Mingle with thin branches
Weaving on tree trunk.

The two saplings wave
AS they stand at the road side
Enjoying the cold.

Olivia's nose
Is white from the tasty snow
That she is savoring. 

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