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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I Forget the Gloom


Brown branches on snow;
Green fir trees above it all;
Everything silent.

Parked up on white dunes--
Bare brambled sticks of last Spring;
The birds are hidden.

Hung over the road--
Silhouette against the sky:
Forsythia bud.

Two amber beacons
Burn in the old farm house
Lighting up the gloom.

Jogger is singing,
Waving her arms all about;
A crazy delight.

Frozen and writhing
The tree, tumbling to the ground,
Becomes a monster.

It is dark as dusk
Snow is humming in the air;
Airplane murmurs far.

Incessant grinding
Moving louder up the hill,
Becomes a dump truck.

In this pregnant gloom,
Jennie stops to talk and smile;
(I forget the gloom).

These were recorded on Monday, January 20, 2014

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