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Saturday, May 04, 2013

Paint the Distant Chicken Clucks

White and yellow rule!
(Shadows come a close second)
And don't forget blue.

Lilac leaves aglow;
Alas! There is no purple
And with it no smell.

Shadows on the road
Paint the distant chicken clucks
On the cloudless sky.

White line in the sky
Sails over distant chorus:
Children on the wind.

Unseen cooing bird
Calls softly from the forest,
Purring for a mate.

Soft peeper chorus
Vibrates softly in the pond,
Floating on the breeze.

Hanging from the fence
Shades look out upon the road,
Waiting for some eyes.

Gentle breeze greets me
At bottom of the steep hill;
"Well done!" it seems to say.

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