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Monday, February 18, 2013

Coming from Nowhere

Although the sun is bright
And the pine trees sway gently--
Freezing cold outside.
Inside, it's cozy;
Outside, the icy sun waits;
Two worlds side by side.
In front of my house
A towering maple tree stands.
(I never look up).

A blue bird rises up
And melts into the pine trees,
Lost to light and sound.
Icy wind blowing
Up the shadow mottled road
Echoes in the woods.

The sky is so blue;
The sun is so icy bright;
My cheeks are so cold.

My doggy friend, Bella
Gives me a joyous greeting
(And joyous farewell).

Silent woods singing
Its super sonic chorus
Coming from nowhere.

Bars of the old fence
Cannot imprison the shadows.
They escape daily.

"Our Road" the sign says;
"Whose road is that?" you might ask.
"Our Road" the sign says.

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