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Sunday, January 20, 2013

It Blows Sunshine up the Road

Soulful string quartet
Sings sadly from my study
Touching my gray mood.


Drops from the gutter
Drip onto my outside porch;
Snow and sky are gray. 


How far did it fly
To rest on my outside porch,
This piece of pine tree?

The wind is restless,
It blows sunshine up the road
And into my face.

Laughing cloud lion
Glides slowly across the sky,
It's mouth dissolving.

Big fluffy Lab dog,
Barking at me huskily--
Has naught else to do.

Sky grows weirdly dark;
Dry leaves race across the road,
Escaping the wind.

Wet drops on the road
Must have fallen since I passed;
I elude the rain.

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