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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Yellow bursts--slate gray,
Dull day with forsythia;
Birds hoot and dogs bark.

Everything seems distant:
Bird trills, stream bubble, plane hum,
And the deep gray sky.

Faded pink ribbon
Hangs from the green leaved bush branch--
A distant glory.

Moss, leaves and ivy;
A myriad of green shades
Paint the forest floor.

A quiet grayness
Settles on the road and woods;
Rain is in suspense.

The two old beer cans
Lie in the woods head to head
Bemoaning their fate.

Chatter in the woods;
All talking at the same time--
Bird cacophony.

Fierce animal glares
Poised still among the dead leaves.
Oh! It's a tree stump.

It's the third season--
Phone book's still in the tree's crotch.
Still, nobody calls.

Thick gray hanging bells--
Shelf fungus on the old tree;
Steps for tiny birds.

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