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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Shadows are Captive

Shadows are captive
Held prisoners of themselves;
Art mimics the truth.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Gray Sky in Woodstock

Gray sky in Woodstock;
Clouds reach down and kiss the earth;
A peaceful mornimg.

Collette's head scratching;
She knows that it feels better;
Every little bit.

Still  they're hanging on
These small fluffy milkweed puffs;
Why don't they let go?

This murmuring water
Says nothing at all, really;
Just keeps whisperiung.

Last rhododednron;
Their season was in the Spring;
Why are they still here?

Carpet of dead leaves
Surrounded by the always green ferns;
Each in their own world.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Some Things Never Change

 Drip, drip, dripping drops
Fall in a stream from the eaves.
It's melting time here.

Tail of a cardinal
Hangs down from the bird feeder
Motionless eating.

Collette seems happy
As Olivia licks her;
Some things never change.

Two solar panels
Cast their shadows in the sun--
Opposites attract.

A chorus of birds
Chirps and sings to each other
Each in their own tongue.

Tumbled garbage cans--
From the snow plows or the snow?
Only the cans know.

In the empty woods
Just trees,  snow and shadows live;
Wind is blowing through.

The young pine sapling
Bends down and kisses the ground
And keeps on growing.