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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Where St. Francis Stood

A gorgeous Spring day;
Sunlight surrounds everything;
Sadness in my heart.

I am almost packed.
It has become easier;
Buttercup trembles.

Where are my cow friends?
I wanted to say goodbye.
(They're mowing the lawn.)

Billy goat watches,
Trying to gather my scents
While staring at me.

Flowers guard the stream
With their soft white foliage.
Light and sound get through.

Where St. Francis stood:
Random growth of purple flowers. 
His spirit remains.

Barren roadside pond
Brings forth solitary plant.
Can you imagine?

In this plush season
The roadside stream is covered
By luscious green plants.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Have They Lost Their Place?

Patches of sunshine
Always occupy my lawn
These early June days.

Outside my window
Loud sounds of a bird chirping
Larger than the bird.

New dandelions
Bloom near downed lilac petals--
Comings and goings.

Each in their own door
Collette and Olivia
Stare nonchalantly.

It's almost gone now--
Green petals take over the stream.
But its sound remains.

Congregate by the steel fence--
Yellow, white and gray.

These dead brown leaves lie
Mid the roadside greenery.
Have they lost their place?

Stepping into shade
The roadside heat disappears
(Just for a few steps.)

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Joining With the Breeze

Late afternoon light
Murmurs softly in the trees
Joining with the breeze.

They tower above
But they don't look down on me

These whispering trees.

Thursday, June 08, 2017

To Catch Passing Truck


 Lush June afternoon;
Grass is growing much higher;
Sun is getting hot.

Rhododendrons stay--
They don't seem to want to leave.
(Why on earth should they?)

There's a third being--
Susan's checking out Collette--
Each takes care of each.

New white buttercups
Mixing with the yellow ones--
Mutations abound.

Flowing towards the stream
Flurry of yellow flowers
Shedding their bright light.

Splayed, wild and watchful--
Do these asters hold anger
At intrusive bugs?

Coiled in the road
Snake seems ready to slide on;
(Will he ever move?)

Wild bouquet grows
Out of the railing again;
Nobody asked it.

Dandelion puffs
Race swiftly through the Spring air
To catch passing truck.

Wordless Haiku