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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pebbles in a Can

Pebbles in a can:
Woodpecker rattles at dawn.
The day has begun.


 The clouds get lower;
Grass keeps on getting higher--
Natural see-saw.


 Last walk before camp.
Well, at least it's not raining;
Goats are so quiet.

 Small lakes by the road;
Mini ponds in a front lawn;
Rivers in the woods.


 Dim dark and green woods;
Not a drop of sun comes through;
The clouds are waiting.

 A fallen number
Lies at the base of the tree.
(It's really not up).


 In the dim greyness
Thick performed flower odor
Rides on the bird chirps.


 A soft billowing breeze
Rustles through the thick green leaves
Shivering my hair.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Feet Instead of Horns

 Outside: wilderness--
The uncut grass a jungle:
Light, green and shadows.


Sun penetrates leaves
Making them become phantomes
Of glowing green light.



Nibbling on my lawn,
Deer pauses to take me in;
And I do the same.

Full stream races through he woods,
A blanket of sound.


 Traffic on he road:
Joggers in both directions;
Feet instead of horns.


Billy goat watches--
Who's going to make the next move?
(Guess it will be me).


 Bumble bee hovers
To suck the forsythia.
Petals strew the ground.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Softly the Shadows Fall

Grass is wild and high,
Finding freedom from the blade.
Sun barely breaks through.

Color the kitchen table.
They will have to wait.


As the sun breaks through
The rooster crows happily;
Light and sound combine.

 Olivia sits
Surrounded by mounds of hay.
(Is this cow heaven?)


 Solitary ball
Lies in the empty front yard
Looking for the kids.

Softly the shadows fall,
Slipping through the cloudy sky
Onto the gray road.

"Shall I play or run?
Is he friendly or dangerous?
(I'll just take the risk)"

Plane and single crow
Together in a duet.
Then all is quiet.