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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Winking at Itself

 What's in my window?
Delicate flowers blooming,
Welcoming Spring.

 Snow still covers lawn.
Will it stay there forever?
Until the summer?

Spring is in the air;
Even the crows sound happy;
The cows keep eating.


On the branches' tips
Some small tight buds are swelling;
In the sky geese call.


Tree covers the road!
Why, it's only a shadow
Winking at itself.

A friend stops to chat;
Then I forget my haiku--
Transit gloria.


 Large moving shadow
Floats swiftly across the road:
Disappearing bird.

Wild geese like ghosts,
Leaving just their plaintive cries
In the dappled sky.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Or My Busy Mind?

It's almost April;
I look out on a white lawn.
When will winter end?


 The light has emerged, though
Even as the fields are white,
Spring blinks her bright eyes.

Shadows on the snow
Disappear before my eyes.
What magic is this?

Gilda and Mabel
Run to greet me at the fence.
(They can't say "Hello")

 Sparkles in the stream
Don't care about the weather;
They laugh with the sun.

Where is the stream bed?
Curving dent in the thick snow.
Where is its water?

Crocuses seem dead,
Deceived by the early warmth;
But snow drops survive.

Soft cry in the woods--
Is it animal or child,
Or my busy mind?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Moment of Silence

Everything's ready,
Just like I always leave it--
Breakfast after walk.
Nothing outside moves,
Not even the tree branches--
Moment of silence.
My stream is quiet;
Water flows without its roar.
(There's ice on a rock.)

 Alfred is scratching;
Can't seem to get it right.
(If only he had hands.)

Now that it's silent
I can hear the screaming of the woods.
What are they saying?

Like a white blanket
Draped over twig on a stream
Sculpted piece of ice.

Down in the valley
Old stone wall enters the woods

The chipmunk races
From one wood pile to the next
Its fluff tail raised high.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sentries of the Sky

Lights go out, then in
As the sun and clouds play tricks.
It's below freezing.

Shadows on the floor
Dancing with the shaking leaves,
Mimic the outside.

Immeasurably stark--
Silhouetted trees stand guard--
Sentries of the sky.

In pick-up truck's bed
The body of a dead deer.
Two flakes of snow fall.

Ice crystals on stream,
Which still flows furiously;
More snow flakes falling.

Last week it was dirt--
Stream bed has rushing water
Through the frozen woods.

Snow flakes are falling;
Convulsively they billow,
Then they disappear.

Fierce wind from the woods;
The ancient tree creaks angrily;
Stream flows undisturbed.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sing Hallelujah!


After the great flood--
Yesterday's massive downpour
The air seems quite still.

Sparse patches of snow
Here and there on my front lawn.
Winter goes swiftly.

Water falls raging
Across street and next to my house;
Cows keep munching hay.


Brave little sparrow
Joins group of  pecking chickens.
There's enough for all.

Crashing against rocks
Stream has become a torrent
Racing to its source.


 Not far from the road
Two waterfalls have emerged
Gurgling softly.

All of a sudden
Risen group of snow drops--
Sing Hallelujah!

Water rules the sounds
Rushing swiftly by the road
In instant rivers.